The World Bank-funded Climate Adaptation and Resilience for South Asia (CARE) Project aims to contribute to translating climate-resilient policies into actions through enhanced regional cooperation and knowledge on climate resilience and adaptation, and development of standards and guidelines to facilitate climate-resilient planning and investments. Component 1: Promoting Evidence-based Climate Smart Decision Making is being implemented by the Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System (RIMES).

CARE Project Component 1 supports the World Bank’s development objective to create an enabling environment for climate-resilient policies and investments across South Asia through the creation of a regional resilience data and analytics services (RDAS) platform and national decision-support systems (DSSs) for selected sectors of agriculture, livestock, water, road transport, multi-hazard early warning, and planning and development in Bangladesh, Nepal, and Pakistan. Component 1 also includes interventions for National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs), to better respond to users’ requirements, and capacity development of users to apply climate/weather information to plans and decisions.

CARE Component 1 is composed of the following sub-components: (1) establishing Regional Resilience Data and Analytics Services for South Asia, (2) strengthening Decision Support Systems (DSSs) for Bangladesh, Nepal, and Pakistan; (3) building capacity of stakeholders to use the systems and tools to craft climate-informed plans; as well as support the South Asia Hydromet Forum (SAHF), a holistic approach to user-centric generation and application of climate information so National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) can apply climate/weather information to plans and decisions.